

中文名称      英文名称               中文名称             英文名称
样品                  sample            伞及其它零件      Accessor les of Umrellas
离合器             Clutch                     附属品          Accessory  
衣                      Coat                       色板             Acterant  Plank        
咖啡研磨机     Cxxx Grinder        见面卡          Adaper Card
线圈                  Coil                       闹钟                Alarm Clock               
色板                Color Card               渔具                Angle
电视             Color Television          天线                   Antenna
彩色线           Color paper             圣诞节礼物        Articles for Christmas Festivities
皮革           mpos Itionleather          铝制品              Articles Of Auminium
压缩机        Compressors                钢铁制品          Articles of Iron Or Steel
电脑零件      Computer Part            陶瓷制品          Aricles of Porcelain
音箱          Computer Accessories       人造花           Artificial flower
电脑线         Computer Cuhle               人造的               Artiflolal
电脑键盘      Computer Keyboard          收录音机        Assette tape tecord
电脑零件      Computer parts                汽车零件             Auto parts
电脑周边设备   Computer parts             电力调整器        Automatic
连接器      Connector                          婴儿用车及零件     Baby carrage
调锅      Cooker                                         徽章                    Badges
铜制品      Copper articles                          皮包                     Bag
有线电话、无线电话机Cordless telephine      袋子        Bags(Textile)
棉      Cotten                                            秤、平衡的      Balance
工艺礼品       Craft present                         圆珠笔      Ball Pen
纸杯、盘       Cup dishes                             原子笔      Ball powt pen
切割器      Cutter                                              电池      Battery
其它车及零件   Cycles Fork And Frames       轴承      Bearing
圆筒      Cylinder                                              皮带      Belt
二极体      Diodec                                            脚踏车零件      Bicycle parts
碟、盘      Dish                                                  脚踏车      Bicycle
玩具盒      Dlay box                                          自行车螺丝配件     Bicycle Frame Ture
橡胶手套      Dlovesrubber                                 百叶                  Blind
洋娃娃      Doll                                                   书               Book
公仔、玩偶、洋娃娃 Dolls                                书框      Book case
皮      Dried raw skins of snake                             瓶子      Bottle
空调设备      Draft                                                 碗               Bowt
图钉      Drawing pins                                           黄铜      Brass
梳装台      Dressing table                                       青铜      Bronze
耳机      Earphone                                                 胸针      Brooch
电磁      Elec Magnetic Cooker                               扫帚      Broom
电绝缘体      Electrical insulator                             毛笔、刷子      Brush
电子零件    Electronic Party Pouer Cable              扣子      Buckle
电灯      Electronic Lamps                                    千斤顶      xxxer jack
电话线      Electronic Line                                        纽扣      button
机械零件       Electronic parts                              电脑线      Cable
电子宠物      Electronic Pet                                  计算机      Calcucation Machine
电子零件      Eleotrecity Part                                  日历      Calendar
漆包铜线      Enameled Copper Wire
橡皮擦      Erasers                                                电铃      Call bell
说明书      Explancttion/brochure                         呼叫器      calling
建材      Fabric                                                  照相机      camera
传真机      Facsimile                                            蜡烛      candle
无线传真机     Facsimile Mschine                          烛台      candlestick
扇      Fan                                                              电容器      capacitors
风扇      Fan Blower                                            继电器      capalitor
手工艺品/针织品   fancywork                             汽车窗帘      car curtain
针织品、刺绣     Fancywork                                 纸牌      cards
灯泡      Felment Lamp                                            纸箱      cartod
底片      Film                                                       雕刻品      carving
钓鱼用品      Fishing Aricle                                 木雕刻品      carving(wood)
钓鱼竿      Fishing Rods                                     衣箱、皮箱      cases
旗/花边      Flag                                                   便鞋      casual shoes
调味品      Flavoring                                              目录      catalogue
软体电路板Flexible frlnied circuit board               型录      catalogues
花      flower                                                         晶园      chips
飞轮      Flywheel                                                 食片布      chow cloth piece
足球      Football                                                 圣诞节用品      christmas article
监视器      Forcompt                                              靴               claussure
叉/刀叉      Fork                                                  温度计      clinicol therometrs
纸板(制衣)   Fomer                                           时钟      clock
木框      Frames                                                        布料      cloth
变频器      Frequevcy Converjer                             布块      cloth
飞盘      Frisbee                                                   衣服、衣物      Cloths    

海 关 统 一  名 称:

木  头      Wooden sample                              衣  服      Clothing sample  (Marked)
五金配件      Hardware sample                      布  样      Fabric sample
纸  样      PaperProduct sample                      鞋  样      Shoes sample
标  贴      Label sticker                                   帽  子      Hat sample
印刷品      Printing material sample                 文  件      Document
书      Books                                                   泥  土      Soil sample
石头工艺品     Stone craft sample                  手  套      Grove sample
锅      Pot sample                                           木制品      Ligneous sample
盒  子      Box sample                                     发光二极管      Flashlight lamps sample
机械配件      Mechanic sample                      线               Line sample
塑料制品(工业) Industrial plastic sample       木  条      Wooden sample
塑料扣      Plastic button sample                     MP3               MP3  Player sample
塑料制品(家用) PlasticModel sample            电  脑            PC  
鼠标           Mouse sample                             塑料瓶      Plastic  Bottle sample
电脑摄像头     PC Camera sample               眼镜盒      Glasses case
光学镜头摄像头 Glass lens sample              眼  镜      Glasses sample      
蜡  烛      Candle sample                               包      Bag sample               
色  卡      Paper sample
背  包      Backpack sample                            保温杯      Cup sample
皮  包      Leather bag sample                         金属扣      Matel xxxle sample
胶  带      Tape sample                                    字  画      Picture frame sample
汽车配件   Automobile accessories sample     海  绵      Bath sponge sample
首  饰      Jewelry sample                                领  带      Tie samlpe
围  巾      Muffler                                            假  发      Wigs sample
发电机      Dynamo sample                             银制首饰      Silver jewelry sample
球  拍      Bat sample                                      毛绒玩具      Plushtoy sample
被  子      Quilt sample                                     鱼  具      Fishing utensil sample
毛  巾      Towel sample                                   木制像框      Picture frame sample
伞      Umbrella sample                                    裤  子      Pant sample marked
玻璃制品      Glassware plastic sample            线路板      Circuit board sample
灯      Lamp sample                                         电子配件     Household Electric parts sample
漏能测试仪     Tester sample                         电  线     Wire sample
丝  巾      Velver sample                                 大理石     Marble sample
铝制品      Industrial aluminum sample            古  玩     Craft antique sample

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    • 广州文捷国际航空快递代理有限公司
      在线QQ: 80605677 , 89334288
             MSN: wjexpress@msn.com
